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One of the most frequent inquires we get is for information about a former family member who served in the Seabees. We do not have access to military personnel records, but a next of kin (surviving spouse that has not remarried, father, mother, son, daughter, sister, or brother) may request a copy from the National Archives.
The official U.S. Naval Seabee Internet web site. This site provides families and friends of the Seabees with up-to-date information on current Seabee activities.

The U.S. Navy Seabee Museum in Port Hueneme, California, collects, preserves and displays historic material relating to the history of the Seabee and the U.S. Navy Civil Engineer Corps.
Navy Seabee Veterans of America. Promotes comradeship between retired Seabees to maintain interest in Seabee activities and assist in the rehabilitation and welfare of the Veterans who have served in the Seabees in time of war and peace
The Florida Seabee Veterans have a dedicated web site.
Seabee Cruise Books - Cruise books are an old Navy tradition. These unofficial records are published by the men and women of a unit to document a deployment. The first Seabee cruise book was published in 1944 by MCB 26. The US Navy Department Library hold a large collection of these books.
Seabee Scholarship Association - Since 1970, the Association, through the generosity of its supporters, has provided over 1,200 scholarships to Seabee dependents seeking higher education.
CEC/ Seabee Historical Foundation. A non-profit organization whose purpose is to ensure that the heritage and history of the Navy’s Civil Engineer Corps and the Navy’s military construction force, the Seabees, are properly documented, preserved and maintained.
What happened to Davisville? The Department of the Navy Base Realignment and Closure Program Management Office's web site tells the story of what became of the original hone of the Navy Seabees.
A project to documentary the Davisville Base was funded by a Grant from the Rhode Island Committee for the Humanities in 1998. Completed in 2000, it produced a traveling exhibit and a web site. The Rhode Island Committee for the Humanities retains an archive of this project.
Stars and Stripes online
Military Order of the Purple Heart Foundation (a congressionally chartered veterans organization) raises funds for service, welfare, and rehabilitation work in connection with its members.
Military Officers Association of America is an independent, nonprofit, politically nonpartisan organization of military officers.
Disabled Veterans, a site with a information about obtaining VA disability benefits as well as Social Security disability benefits. Thanks to Emily for sharing this link..
Veterans Radio offers stories and experiences of veterans of all wars and branches, broadcast live over the Web at 9 AM Eastern standard time, plus an archive of past shows.
Peltier Plaque winners from the Society of American Military Engineers.
The Ruptured Duck- Complete history and information about the Honorable Discharge pin, including how to obtain a replacement (commercial site).
The American War Library, if you are looking for anything military on the web, here is the place to start -- 51 million military listings (commercial site)
The Veteran's History Project, a project of the American Folklore Center of the Library of Congress.
Together We Served - This site is restricted to active and retired navy. You have to join, but there is no cost. Post your profile. You can even create your uniform, ribbons, duty stations, countries visited, etc.
Naval Sea Cadets - Since 1958 the Naval Sea Cadet Corps has been committed to providing American youth with a drug and alcohol free environment to foster their leadership abilities, broaden their horizons through hands-on training and guide them to becoming mature young adults. The Museum and Island X-1 Davisville are proud to sponsor the Quonset Point Unit.
Gate Seabee. Short article on the famous Davisville Seabee.
Seabee Markings for renovated and restored vehicles are available from this commercial site.
Vintage Jeep Trailers, almost everything about vintage trailers from WW-II on.
Take a look at the Seabee Pages hosted by American Legion Auburn Post 20 in Cranston, RI
The following are excellent Seabee-related sites:
You can find unofficial histories of some World War II Seabee Battalions including 6th Special, 25th, 62nd, 76th, 79th, 112th and 121st.
Find stores about Seabees on: World War II Stories - In Their Own Words - World War Two World War II Veterans Committee World War II Preservation Society
WW-II Patch Gallery - Information on units patches of all services
Before You Go, a musical tribute to WW-II and Korean Veterans
Antarctic Deep Freeze Association Old Antarctic Explorers Association New England Chapter, OAESeabees who died in Antarctica
Vietnam Era Seabees Seabees in RVN - Excellent site giving overall story
Marvin Shields, a wikipedia article
The Moving Wall - they provide a schedule of appearances for the year
The Virtual Wall® – Vietnam Veterans memorial web site (non-commercial)
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial - non-commercial site with search of The Wall
Stolen Valor - How the Vietnam Generation was robbed of its heroes and history
YL-37 Flies Again - only UH-34D combat helicopter to survive the Vietnam war
Maps of the Vietnam war
Diego Garcia - Seabee projects on this unofficial site
National Gulf War Resource Center helps veterans of recent and current wars and operations The Gulf War Veterans Resource Page disseminates health related information to veterans of the Persian Gulf War Seabee Birthday Celebration is another YouTube Seabee video produced by an active duty Seabee and a lot of fun. It shows the Seabees at work today and since they began. American Gulf War Veterans Association focuses on treatment for service members who experience symptoms collectively known as the “Gulf War Illness”
While you are at YouTube, take a look at the many other Seabee videos that document the life of today's Seabees.
Help support our fighting troops, for ways visit Fighting Angels.
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